say bye to 2009 & HELLO to 2010!

i know i'm abit too late to pen down some thoughts of what i had fr 2009 but i'm still going to do that, for myself to see. LOL
2009 had been a year where i ended a 2 years relationship which makes me learnt alot, really, i realise you just cant force things & humans just cant forgive & forget when come to certain things. i've realised i've changed alot personally, i've matured in a way which i dont know how to say as i came to realise 2009 was such a short year but i'm glad i make alot of new friends which i know i will still keep in contact. old friends wise, they're still those lovelies i would always treasure. i want to thank god fr th good health fr my family esp mummy!
i dont know what to say but 2 weeks of short break of partying during festive season is way enough alr, 2009 ended with a loud bang & here comes 2010 which i'm looking forward to as i guess i'm moving on to another stage of life as i would be graduating from poly & yes, i'm turning 21. :)
i would like to thanks everyone who makes me laugh, cry, smile, angry throughout 2009! :D

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12 days of christmas

i got sooo much to update, i still have lots of photos to be uploaded into fb.
so far, this x'mas was th best :)
  • eve of x'mas eve, phuture with junping & co. its seriously fun to see them get drunk, though i was just tipsy.
  • met up with shirin bestie during one of th days to exchange present!
  • x'mas eve afternoon was lunch & meet up with JJUS, & thank you fr th clinque perfume, really thanks fr th surprise & servette! HAHA
  • then was over at plasma with seak & co. they've fun games & its nice to countdown there instead of squeezing on th street & they always just make me lose in game & dont believe i'm drunk which i admit i acted. oops! LOL
  • then after countdown, i didnt went home, regina they all came over to pick me up & headed to west coast, leon was nice to get each of us a present!
  • boxing day which was mummy's birthday over at 3rdsissy' house, i love unwrapping present & glad all th kids love th presents i got fr them :)

so its resting time once again. 1 more week before schl resume & i'm waiting fr this coming week, party time with all my lovelies, celebrations everywhere. its fun!

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give me more time please!
CT tests is like consecutive 3 days next week.
this few weeks is reall busy, making time to finish my reports, and all my lecture notes still waiting fr me to read them up!
birthday after birthday over th weekends, totally drained me out. LOL
junping & eric's birthday one after th other. GOSH. but it was fun & they had a fun birthday. :)
plans fr this 2 weeks is dating with books. i shall update this space with all th photos soooon.
its time to draw out my x'mas shopping list! :)

meanwhile, love you guys!

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a long day in school rushing project after project,
walk home feeling super tired but had instant noodles fr dinner.
i'm so going to drown myself into sea of projects again but HK drama are so addictive. LOL
before i turn to my powerpoint slides, mummie make french toast fr me :)

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happiness is a decision?

to me, happiness is when you can wake up the next morning, seeing the sun.
laughing, walking, jump, gossip whatever.
happiness is when i see my loved ones being happy & i know they love me back too. :)
happiness can be many other forms,
we could decide to be happy or sad th next moment but why choose to be sad and grumble whereas you can just smile throughout.
smile through th bottom of your heart then people will feel it, its true.
at times things might not be smooth or go th wrong way you expect it to be,
but maybe, perhaps there's always a reason fr that i'm sure,
everything happen fr a reason, even th most gross lizard is there to help eat up all th mosquitos. HAHA.
so as i say, how angry or what, i would just rant & let things pass.
being angry or sad doesnt help in solving, so choose to solve it with a SMILE.

SMILES is make up of MILES which means a smile does goes a looooong wayyy. :)

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i love long weekend as i manage to enjoy every single day.
  • PAINTBALL WITH POLYMATES, its fun shooting others when you dont get any bruise. LOL. its been long since i get muddy & dirty, i miss th outdoor fun ever since i left NPCC. th staff over there was nice to give us extra pallets to play with. ended th day with dinner over at northpoint JAP foodcourt & L4D II!! woohooo
  • 2ndsissy birthday yesterday over at my house, she promise to get me more mask when she head over to taiwan! :)
  • napfa test th other day & yea, i flunk it, blame it on my 2.4km. its been long since i really jog leh.
  • zouk on sat with theo & co. drink drank high. HAHA

i actually got alot to say but suddenly my mind went blank.

& i'm in a foul mood just now as i think its quite stupid to be so nice to certain people yet now being treat like shit.
i help you cover up & keep secrets, got events, sure find you work, but now?
doesnt mean we're not friends anymore after what happen between ya bro & me.
this shows me how true reality is.
i always didnt believe it.

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had a long day in school, was super sleepy as i got like 3 hrs break in between classes & during th last lab, computer screw up. RAH.
met up with both girlfrs L & J over at j8 as they went to service their phone but in th end, we went to statifsy our sushi cravings as usual over at suki sushi.
which ended with a cup of KOI. :)
i love hanging out with them randomly and i love th leather strap L got fr me! thank you lovely!
and J, dont sad, i also love you as you help me to hang it onto my phone!

finally is over, i'm glad you think thru, & th choice you make was right i guess, which i was also planning to do, it will just help both of us to move on finally.
before things turn out real nasty, at least maybe times will cure everything, & i'm happy to say it was once a happy chapter of my life minus away those sadness.
best wishes.

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the girl-
dreamy and trying to get realistic
your links


made by steph :)